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In the digital age, ebooks have become a popular way to access literature. While e-ink readers offer a reading experience similar to paper, mobile phones are also a viable option to enjoy your favorite books.
Why read on your mobile?
- Convenience: Your phone is always with you, which allows you to read anytime, anywhere, whether on public transport, in the waiting room, or even on the beach.
- Variety of applications: There are numerous reading applications that allow you to customize your reading experience, adjust the font size, brightness and background, even add bookmarks and notes.
- Access to digital libraries: Many public libraries offer ebook loans through applications, which allows you to access a wide collection of titles at no cost.
- Additional features: Some reading applications include features such as read aloud, word translation, and synchronization with other devices.
What applications to use?
- Kindle: One of the most popular reading applications, Kindle offers a wide selection of ebooks, both free and paid. It also allows you to synchronize your library with other Kindle devices and read in your web browser.
- Kobo: Another popular app with a wide variety of…